She & Me


Kellie Gould, Co-Founder of She & Me

Kellie brings deep experience with the women's digital media market. As Senior Vice President and Editor in Chief for iVillage, Kellie was responsible for creating and executing all editorial product vision, managing $5MM-$9MM budgets, and leading a team of 50.

During her tenure, Kellie guided to become the number one website for women, garnering numerous accolades including a Webby Award and "Best of the Web" honors from Yahoo's Internet Life, The Wall Street Journal, CNet, and USA Today. Kellie developed iVillage's first premium content offerings, as well as the iVillage Solutions Book Series with publisher Rutledge Hill Press.

She regularly represented iVillage as a women's expert, appearing on such media outlets as NBC's Today, NBC Nightly News, and CNN. Prior to her 10+ years at iVillage, Kellie served as Managing Editor of Parent Soup. Previous roles include editorial positions at VOGUE, Adweek, and Sports Illustrated.

Kellie is a former Board member of Childbirth Connection in New York and editor/author of the iVillage book, Best Advice on Finding Mr. Right.

Contact Kellie

Eileen Livers, Co-Founder of She & Me

Eileen is a seasoned editor, web strategist, and manager. As Vice President of Editorial Programming for iVillage, Eileen was responsible for developing the content across multiple channels, including working on strategic partnerships and product development, and developing iVillage's premium content offerings.

During her nine years there, Eileen helped to guide to become the number one website for women. She represented iVillage as a women's expert on television and radio.

Prior to her nine years at iVillage, Eileen was a freelance writer for women's service magazines.

Previous roles include editorial positions at Seventeen, Woman's Day and YM. Eileen is the author of The Unofficial Guide to Planning Your Wedding and the iVillage book Quiz Therapy.

Contact Eileen